December kicks off with the Sun in celebratory Sagittarius, bringing forth generosity, good tidings, and plenty of cheer. This solar placement marks one of the most auspicious and optimistic times of the year as the stars align to promote kindness and higher thinking. An adventurous element will also come into play, making it a good time to seek new experiences with your family and friends. However, you’ll want to tap into your altruistic side as well while the universe watches to see who is being naughty and who is nice.

You’ll notice a shift December 6 when Mercury moves into Capricorn, asking you to think seriously about your responsibilities as the year comes to a close. This planetary placement is perfect for tying up loose ends, though you’ll need to be mindful of maintaining a healthy work-life balance as well. You should also take care to connect with your emotions throughout the next several weeks, as these pragmatic vibes can sometimes leave us so wrapped up in logistics, we forget to nurture our hearts.

The vibe will be charged during the Gemini Full Moon on December 7, bringing a combative energy to the air. You may want to tread lightly around your colleagues and friends during this lunation as people will have a hard time monitoring their moods. On a personal level, use this energy as an excuse to take a step back from your to-do lists, or you could find yourself feeling burned out and unmotivated. Luckily, as Venus enters Capricorn on December 9, you’ll have a chance to stabilize yourself and your relationships.

Your fortunes will shift December 20 when Jupiter migrates into fiery Aries, blessing new endeavors with a dash of cosmic luck. These vibes are all about starting fresh, especially when it comes to relationships, projects, and goals you’d like to expand on. It’s time to ditch old ways of thinking in order to build for tomorrow, so don’t be afraid to start from scratch when it comes to manifesting your dreams. If moving away from what you know seems scary, have faith that the universe will throw you a safety net.

The Winter Solstice manifests December 21 when the Sun enters Capricorn, asking you to focus on building success. Though you may find that work is winding down in anticipation for the holidays, this solar placement will push you to look toward the future. Use the energy of the Capricorn New Moon on December 23 to set intentions for 2023, focusing on your professional ambitions and drive for status.

Be sure to mark December 29 on your calendar. Mercury embarks upon its fourth and final retrograde of the year. With the planet of thought process and communication reversing through career-oriented Capricorn, expect these vibes to bring disruption to your professional endeavors until January 18. Try not to be discouraged if obstacles suddenly land in your lap, and trust that you can overcome any test the universe throws your way. You may also notice that people are curter in their demeanor, though it’s likely caused by stress and not a reflection of how they feel about you.


The month kicks off with a sweet exchange between the Sagittarius Sun and Venus, helping you forge new relationships that may allow you to get ahead in the future. The serendipitous nature of this celestial exchange is sure to bring forth unexpected encounters, though you should be mindful to give as much as you receive. Helping others get a leg up with their ambitions will also score some major karma points, so don’t hold back if you see opportunities to elevate your peers. You should also be mindful to approach each day with positive thinking as the other side will be looking for ways to support your journey.

You’ll notice a shift December 9 when Venus moves into Capricorn, asking you to examine your relationship with boundaries and conflict resolution. If your love life has been eating too much of your time, you may want to take a step back to reconnect with your ambitions. This planetary placement can also bring forth mannerisms that swing from hot to cold, especially if you find yourself navigating through drama. While it’s certainly okay to let your demeanor reflect your emotions, Mercury’s placement in the sign of the sea goat will ask that you take a more direct and diplomatic approach toward asserting yourself and your feelings.

Though Sagittarius season tends to be a whimsical time of the year, your priorities will shift when the Sun migrates into Capricorn on January 21. You’ll be eager to get ahead in this life, and you’d do well to remember that true growth often manifests slowly over time. This solar placement is perfect for planting seeds. However, you may not see a payoff until the Sun enters Taurus next spring. In the meantime, make a list of your highest ambitions, outlining steps you can take to make such dreams a reality.


December brings forth major release for you, dear Taurus, as the Sagittarius Sun journeys through the sector of your chart that governs personal transformation. These vibes are all about releasing what no longer serves you so you can make room for healthier situations, habits, and relationships. This solar placement comes with a destructive element as the universe nudges you toward self-improvement. Pay attention to environments or dynamics that trigger anxiety or anger, as it could be the other side’s way of letting you know that it’s time to move on.

Good vibes will flow beginning December 9 when Venus, your planetary ruler, moves into Capricorn and the spiritual sector of your chart. You can expect to feel more stable in your relationships right now, especially if you lean into the people who leave you feeling inspired and spiritually uplifted. The stars will conspire to bring good people into your life, so be sure to stay open to new friendships. Your ability to manifest is also poised to benefit from a celestial boost, making it a good time to recommit to meditations, positive mantras, and setting intentions.

Winter officially kicks off December 21 when the Sun enters Capricorn, putting you in a philosophical headspace as the new year draws nearer. While this solar placement is naturally an auspicious one for you, you will find that acting with kindness and generosity seems to invite more luck into your life. Your altruistic side will naturally unfurl, but you should be mindful to maintain boundaries with anyone who has a history of manipulation or deception. Meanwhile, the Capricorn New Moon graces our skies on December 23, making it the perfect time to set intentions for 2023.


You’ll ride high on a cloud of good vibes this month, dear Gemini, as Sagittarius season activates the sector of your chart that governs love and harmony. Lean into this dreamy solar placement by giving yourself permission to relax a bit more, prioritizing self-care over tending to the needs of others. However, that doesn’t mean you’ll be excused from nurturing your relationships, though you should focus only on those who contribute as much as they take. A romantic element can help usher love into your life, but you’ll want to remain mindful of the qualities you seek in a mate, as the partnerships you forge right now are likely to linger for quite some time.

Your thoughts will become more serious beginning on December 6, when Mercury enters Capricorn and your solar eighth house. This planetary placement will leave you pondering themes such as success, business investments, and shared resources, which could cause you to reexamine your current professional and financial status. If your romantic and monetary lives are entangled, it may be time to have a discussion with your partner around mutual goals and how to save for the future. Advocating for your worth will also play a major role in working with this energy, but if your employer isn’t willing to value you at the rate you deserve, it may be time to explore other options.

As winter emerges alongside the dawn of Capricorn season on December 21, you’ll begin to contemplate your goals for the year ahead. After three years of political upheaval, a pandemic, and economic uncertainty, a desire to control your circumstances will feel more pronounced than ever. However, the energy at play will carry a destructive element, meaning you’ll need to focus on moving away from what’s holding you back before you can truly move forward in 2023.


You’re one of the more compassionate and sensitive members of the zodiac, darling Cancer, which means Sagittarius season can be an overwhelming time. You may find yourself riding waves of joy and excitement only to crash from too much social activity in addition to your existing workload and family responsibilities. While it’s certainly the season to embrace spending time with your loved ones, the stars would prefer that you direct your energy toward maintaining efficiency and prioritizing wellness. Don’t worry, though — you don’t have to forgo fun outings with your friends. However, if you start to notice your energy levels decline, it may be time for a quiet night cozied up at home.

Solitude will feel particularly appealing during the Gemini Full Moon on December 7, which illuminates the sector of your chart that governs quiet and introspection. This astrological event will ask that you take an honest look at your daily routines and habits with the intention of adopting behaviors that can propel you to new levels of success in the new year. The stars will push you to break unhealthy cycles that are holding you back from reaching your truest potential, especially when it comes to finding wellness through healthy eating, sleeping, and exercise patterns.

While it’s true that your stress levels could elevate throughout the first part of the month, you should begin to feel much more balanced when the Sun migrates into stabilizing Capricorn on December 21. This solar placement will usher in an era of harmony and grace, helping you identify and prioritize what’s really important in this life. Don’t feel guilty about loosening the reins with your professional ambitions as the year continues to unwind, and opt to spend the remainder of 2022 surrounded by the people who love and support you with no strings attached.


You may find yourself responsible for organizing gatherings with your loved ones, dear lion, as Sagittarius season lights up the sector of your chart that governs friendship and fun. These vibes are perfect for strengthening bonds through shared interests and exposing others to new experiences, allowing you to create lasting memories with your nearest and dearest. Luckily, your energy levels will benefit from a cosmic boost, though you should be mindful that you’re cutting out time for solitude and self-care; Mars’ retrograde journey through Gemini could cause you to crash.

Your mind will crave stability and organization once Mercury moves into pragmatic Capricorn on December 6, so be sure to check in with your agenda for the remainder of the year. An efficient and success-oriented element will also come into play, helping you get ahead in your professional and personal endeavors. The stars will push you to live well once Venus enters the sign of the sea goat on December 9, generating the perfect excuse to reward your hard work with a relaxing massage.

Your responsibilities may begin to feel heavier December 21 when the Sun enters success-oriented Capricorn. A desire to help others while acting as a pillar of strength could make it difficult for you to seek assistance when you need it, causing you to put unreasonable expectations on yourself. Though you’re certainly strong enough to carry these extra burdens, it would be wise to remember that you don’t have to endure simply because you’re able to. Use this energy as an excuse to delegate tasks when the opportunity arises, stepping into your authority where personal and professional matters are concerned.


You may notice an increase in your intuition and sensitivities this month, dear Virgo, as the Sagittarius Sun illuminates your solar fourth house. A desire to understand and nurture others could cause you to emotionally invest in issues that don’t concern you, making it important that you use discretion when letting others in. While it’s always admirable to lend support to those in need, there’s a danger you could forget your financial, intellectual, and emotional limits. Though telling someone you don’t have the bandwidth to lend a hand might not feel great at first, your body will thank you any time you take a break from tending to others in order to focus on your own needs.

You’ll notice a shift December 20 when Jupiter moves into Pisces and the sector of your chart that governs transformation, bringing major shifts your way throughout the next five months. This planetary placement will ask you to get serious about evolving your situation and relationships, especially when it comes to business interactions and intimate relationships. Opportunities to grow will also come into play, and more so if you have a supportive friend or partner who will cheer you on as you take steps toward changing your life. Remember: Letting go is often a necessary step to move forward, making it important that you prepare yourself for a few goodbyes.

As winter emerges and the Sun enters Capricorn on December 21, you’ll find yourself in a more restless and fun-loving headspace. The dynamic at play will be a strange one as you crave both excitement and recognition within your field. Try to make the best of both worlds by wrapping up your work as efficiently and quickly as you can so you can dedicate the rest of your year to champagne cocktails, good company, and your finest holiday attire.


A buzz will linger in the air this month, dear Libra, as Sagittarius season brings a spark to your imagination and inspiration to your words. You’ll be in a unique position to see the world through a more optimistic lens without causing you to lose touch with reality. Use this energy to spread some good vibes amongst the collective, looking for ways to elevate family and friends through kind words and thoughtful gestures. Though you’ll be eager to chat and connect with others, you should be mindful that you’re speaking with intention. Otherwise, you may find yourself inadvertently oversharing.

You’ll notice a shift December 9 when Venus enters guarded Capricorn, putting you in a more reserved headspace. Though you’ll certainly crave meaningful connection, embracing unfamiliar acquaintances may not seem as enticing. Use this energy as an excuse to nurture your most intimate bonds, giving yourself a break from surface-level interactions throughout the remainder of the year. The comforts of home will also feel more appealing under this planetary placement, making it a good time to embrace the season from the serenity of your own space.

Jupiter, the planet of luck, enters Aries on December 20, bringing a surge of auspicious energy to the sector of your chart that governs matters of the heart. You can expect to feel more fulfilled in your romantic endeavors throughout the next six months as the stars align to bring forth true love. However, you’ll need to become more aware of your boundaries once the Sun enters Capricorn on December 21, urging you to identify when it’s time to lower or raise your guard. The pragmatic nature of this cosmic climate will also ask you to approach your connections from a practical standpoint, especially if you’re looking for someone to build a home with.


Your plans will show signs of falling into place this month, dear Scorpio, as the Sagittarius Sun travels through the sector of your chart that governs money, materialism, and stability. This luminary placement will bring major luck to your manifestation game, allowing you to finally transform your dreams into reality. However, optimism will act as a major player in working with these supportive vibes, so you’ll want to leave your doubts at the door in favor of positivity and a belief in self. The more you find stability within, the more open you’ll be to receiving blessings from beyond the veil.

Your wits will sharpen significantly beginning December 6 when Mercury moves into Capricorn, awakening a drive for success that’s fueled by practical thinking and unwavering ambition. You’ll begin to see things more clearly throughout the coming weeks, especially when it comes to your professional ambitions and social interactions. Setting boundaries with colleagues and peers will manifest organically, though you’ll want to be mindful of your demeanor, lest you come across as cold and intimidating. You should also be on guard against any haters in your sphere, taking care to protect any successes you’ve come into recently.

Host a little dance party for yourself December 20 when Jupiter moves into Pisces and the sector of your chart that governs ego, individuality, and creative expression. This planetary placement will celebrate your eccentricities with vigor, and people will respond well to your humor and playful antics. However, you should keep your best ideas under wraps on December 21 when the Sun enters Capricorn and squares off with Jupiter. This celestial exchange will cause tongues to wag, and predatory peers may try to take credit for your work if you release details before having a chance to act on these creative whims.


You’ll dazzle almost anyone you encounter right now, dear archer, as the Sun, Venus, and Mercury all migrate through your sign. This cosmic climate is poised to elevate your natural charisma and conversational skills, giving you an edge when it comes to fighting for your romantic, personal, and professional goals. Be sure to use your voice in order to further your agenda, especially on December 6 when Mercury blows a kiss to auspicious Jupiter. Speaking from the heart can help you make convincing arguments, though you should remember to hold on to your logic while staying grounded in your emotions. Blessings will come through quickly right now, making it important that you’re prepared to take on any new responsibilities you manifest.

You’ll notice a shift December 20 when Jupiter, your planetary ruler, enters fiery Aries and your solar fifth house, bringing forth luck and abundance any time you step out of your shell. These vibes are perfect for networking and sharing creative ideas, which can help you gain notoriety amongst your colleagues and peers. The universe will look for opportunities to boost your confidence, though maintaining a healthy ego will still be an important factor to keep in mind. Don’t be afraid to celebrate your successes right now, but try not to abandon grace in the process.

Though the first few weeks of the month will move quickly, you’ll have a chance to catch your breath on December 21 when the Sun enters stabilizing Capricorn. This solar placement is all about taking initiative toward building for the future, especially when it comes to laying down roots and creating financial security. The Capricorn New Moon on December 23 will be particularly auspicious for setting monetary goals, so be sure to light a candle and let the other side know where you want your bank account to be six months from now.


You’ll be in a secretive mood throughout much of the month, dear sea goat, as Sagittarius season activates the sector of your chart that governs all things hidden. These vibes are perfect for keeping your dreams under wraps and quietly focusing on your agenda for the year ahead so you can methodically tackle these goals in the future. As you journey through this cosmic climate, your priorities may begin to shift, especially when it comes to situations or relationships that have become exhausting or overwhelming. Though you’re known as one of the more resilient members of the zodiac, now might be a good time to acknowledge and let go of any dead ends you’ve recently hit.

You’ll certainly appreciate quiet and privacy right now, but it may be difficult for you to find peace once chatty Mercury enters your sign on December 6. Strangers, colleagues, and family members will be more conversationally drawn to you, and you may find it difficult to stay on top of your inboxes. Try not to let this newfound popularity become a burden, and draw lines and set boundaries when needed. Luckily, you’ll feel more receptive to companionship once Venus migrates into your sign December 9, softening your heart and putting you in the mood for genuine connection. Your charisma will also benefit from some celestial sparkle, and your love life will feel more nurturing and secure.

December 21 will bring a refreshing energy with it as the Sun enters your sign while ushering in the start of winter. Your energy levels are set to elevate, making it a good time to plant seeds for any big plans you conceived earlier in the month. Unfortunately, Mercury begins its retrograde motion through your sign December 29, making it important that you wrap up your end-of-the-year business before this planetary backspin commences. It may also be wise to get a head start on your resolutions for the new year, or the stars may not work in your favor.


Sagittarius season will put you in a worldly and generous mood, dear Aquarius, as three celestial bodies move through the sector of your chart that governs community. You’ll feel inspired to make this world a slightly better place, causing you to take a more mindful approach to how you shop, eat, and interact with others. These vibes are perfect for adjusting your consumerism habits and opting to support small businesses and local farmers markets over larger corporations. A deep understanding that we’re all traveling through this universe together will also trigger your charitable side, making it a good time to support local nonprofits that are dear to your heart.

Though you’ll certainly be in a benevolent and social headspace throughout much of the month, the stars will ask you to go within once Mercury enters Capricorn on December 6. You may find that it’s difficult to connect deeply with others right now, especially if you’re sorting through personal issues. A desire for seclusion could cause you to take a step back from your phone, though it might not be helpful to close off from your closest companions. Be mindful of whom you spend your time with, but don’t go completely quiet on the people who love and support you.

You’ll feel a shift December 21 when the Sun enters the sign of the sea goat, giving you permission to lie low through the remainder of the year. These vibes are perfect for unwinding and reflecting on the last 12 months, offering yourself space to celebrate your 2022 wins while moving on from any losses you endured. Allow yourself space to laugh, cry, and grieve as needed so that you can find closure before the new year kicks off.


You may feel as though you’re swinging between a world of possibilities and a fortress of obstacles this month, dear Pisces, as Mercury, Venus, and the Sun all travel through Sagittarius. While this celestial migration will have a positive impact on your career, too many irons in the fire will pave the way for unexpected issues to arise. Try not to let the “two steps forward, one step back” nature of this cosmic climate discourage you, and give yourself time and space to recover any time you’re hit with professional or personal chaos. Meanwhile, your social and domestic responsibilities will begin to multiply as you gear up for the holiday season, making it difficult for you to carve out time for yourself. Be strict with your boundaries right now, especially when it comes to drawing lines in order to embrace downtime.

The Gemini Full Moon manifests December 7, giving you an opportunity to take a break from work in order to focus on your domestic affairs. If you plan on hosting any festivities or haven’t gotten around to decorating for the season, now would be the time to tend to such arrangements. However, a fierce desire for nurturing connections will also come into play, so be sure to rally your housemates for an evening of mulled wine, baking treats, wrapping gifts, and adorning your space with meaningful symbols of the holiday season.

Be sure to have your warmest clothes out and ready to go by December 21 when the Sun’s entrance into Capricorn marks the official start of winter. This solar placement will trigger your benevolent side, inspiring you to find ways to give back to your community. Work with this energy by devoting some time or financial support to those who are less fortunate, as doing so will help you find peace before the year comes to a close.

Renée Watt is a Pacific Northwest-based professional psychic, astrologer, and witch. Her mystical insights have been featured in Vogue, Cosmopolitan, and InStyle. She hosts the weekly podcast The Glitter Cast, which features celebrity ghost stories and interviews with leading professionals in her field.

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