June brings a refreshing energy as Jupiter and the nodes of fate align to usher in new possibilities. This cosmic climate will act as a reminder of the cyclical nature of our universe, urging you to step firmly toward new goals while inching away from unpleasant pasts. Anchor in these auspicious vibes by recommitting to a firm belief in self while staying connected to reality so that you may more easily navigate it. Fortunately, with the Sun lingering in sharp-witted Gemini, your ability to problem-solve and find clarity will be more pronounced than ever. However, it may be difficult to keep up with your own thoughts at times, making it important that you find healthy ways to ground yourself.

The Sagittarius Full Moon on June 3 will give you a chance to broaden your horizons, especially where travel and philosophical beliefs are concerned. The vibe will be highly intellectual, so be sure to pull at any threads your brain latches onto. New friendships could also come into play as the universe conspires to connect kindred spirits. If you feel instantly in tune with someone you’ve just met, it’s likely they’ve been placed in your path for a reason, though you should maintain healthy boundaries while allowing trust to grow organically and steadily.

Venus migrates into Leo on June 5, asking you to get creative with your identity. These vibes are all about finding new hobbies and branching out of your social circle, though you should remain loyal to your besties as well. Relationships will feel warmer, but romantic issues could emerge if stubborn pride or egos get in the way of harmony. Remember to listen to your partner during this time, understanding that you’ll accomplish more when working as a team. Encourage your nearest and dearest to stand proud in their abilities, forming pacts that are based on mutual self-improvement and the desire to see one another succeed.

hot sun
Summer begins June 21.
Getty Images

Minor setbacks could lead to emotional upheaval once Saturn heads retrograde June 17, coinciding with the Gemini New Moon. It’ll be more important than ever for you to talk yourself through trying moments, understanding that you have the power to support yourself mentally and emotionally. Try to set intentions that revolve around mindfulness and healthy thought patterns, as you’ll be in a unique position to rewire your mind. If you could use some extra love and care, don’t feel guilty about sharing your burdens or asking for a pep talk.

You’ll feel a shift once the Sun enters Cancer on June 21, marking the official start of summer. Though this playful season is often affiliated with trips to the beach, late nights out, and seeking adventure, important themes around rest and self-care will also come into play. Ease into your plans for the next three months, giving your body and mind a moment to recharge before adding more fun to your plate. Domestic projects may also become a priority, especially once Mercury enters the sign of the crab on June 26.


The pursuit of fulfillment will require some spiritual heavy lifting, dear Aries, on June 3 during the Sagittarius Full Moon, which promises to illuminate higher paths. These vibes are perfect for taking stock of your emotions and current situation, acknowledging if the prioritization of certain goals has taken away from your overall happiness. If it’s time to slow down with your relationship, quest for success, or penchant for partying, this lunar event can help you course-correct to a more well-rounded existence. If you’re uncertain of where or how to initiate change, asking for signs, meditation, and seeking wisdom from others can help you find a solid jumping-off point.

Consider investing in a new hobby once Venus enters Leo on June 5 as the stars align to elevate your creative potential. Meanwhile, Mercury’s entrance into Gemini on June 11 will heighten your sense of wonder, allowing you to stay engaged with fresh concepts, artistic processes, and the acquisition of knowledge. Your ability to make others feel at ease will also benefit from a cosmic boost, helping you break ground with new friends and potential mates. Try not to spread yourself too thin between social engagements and special interests, understanding that busy minds require a break.

Your summertime story kicks off once the Sun enters Cancer on June 21, putting you in a sensitive and nostalgic headspace. Lean into these vibes by getting cozy with the movies, songs, and foods that were most influential in your formative years, showing some love to the kiddo who lives within. Family dynamics will have an opportunity to strengthen once Mercury moves into the sign of the crab on June 26, encouraging us all to speak our emotional truths. This planetary placement will ask you to improve your communication skills, especially when it comes to those you cohabitate with.


Jupiter and the north node cozy up in your sign June 1, dearest bull, marking what could be the luckiest day of the year for you. While you should certainly be thinking about your big picture, try not to overstimulate yourself by doing too much at once. Lay down solid foundations, keep your eye on the prize, and consider wishing upon a star. Good vibes will continue to flow during the Sagittarius Full Moon on June 3, which will propel you closer to the transformations you seek.

Venus, your planetary ruler, enters Leo on June 5, bringing quiet warmth to your heart. You’ll feel particularly protective of your home life and most intimate relations throughout the coming weeks, and your nurturing side will be on display. Try not to smother your nearest and dearest with too much love, especially when it comes to offspring or your significant other. If you’re currently in a new relationship or on the dating scene, this planetary placement could speed along emotional investments, though you should remember to guard your heart if trust hasn’t been fully established.

Use the Gemini New Moon on June 17 to set financial intentions, and consider seeking advice from a trusted adviser if you’re hoping to expand investments but aren’t sure where to start. You’ll be in a particularly social mood as summer kicks off and the Cancer Sun activates the sector of your chart that governs communication, redirecting your focus toward warm nights out with your best buds. Consider planning your next road trip or great adventure once Mercury enters the sign of the crab June 26, bringing forth a slightly restless energy that will leave you craving new sights, sounds, and faces.


Happy birthday, sweet Gemini. As the Sun travels through your sign, you should feel as if the world is at your feet and anything is possible. Ambition, desire, and confidence will be major themes for you right now, helping you leap toward goals while the cosmos celebrate another solar return for you. A revitalizing energy will support you right now, marking the perfect excuse to finally commit to fresh starts and dreams you’ve been too apprehensive to pursue up until this point. Be on the lookout for haters while you move forward, as your brightly shining star could attract a few jealous eyes.

The Sagittarius Full Moon on June 3 lights up the sector of your chart that governs love, bringing fireworks to your spirit. Whether you’re single, committed, or dating, lean into these good vibes by keeping an open heart, and remember to have some fun! Your poetic side will shine through once Venus enters Leo on June 5, but try not to romanticize people or situations that are new to you or are laced with historical disappointments. Luckily, Mercury enters your sign June 11, helping you maintain a sense of clarity and an intellectually driven desire for self-preservation.

Make a special birthday wish during the New Moon on June 17, which will act as a celestial mile marker that’s perfect for dreaming big and setting long-term goals. You may begin to see signs of manifestation as early as June 21, when the Cancer Sun drifts into the sector of your chart that governs prosperity. You’ll also be asked to check in with your self-worth throughout the month, especially when Mercury enters the sign of the crab June 26. Lean into these vibes with positive mantras, supportive friendships, and radical self-love, and don’t make excuses for anyone who doesn’t fully appreciate your fabulousness.


Don’t force yourself to do anything you don’t feel like doing right now, dearest Cancer, as the Gemini Sun urges you to lie low. If you’re overdue for solitude, a weeklong pity party, or simply need to reset, the stars will give permission to travel those roads. Fortunately, you won’t exist in a perpetual state of reclusion, and a cosmic alliance between Jupiter and the nodes of fate June 1 promises to bring some movement to your social sphere. Divide your energy wisely right now, being selective of who and what earns your focus.

An expansive energy will take hold during the Sagittarius Full Moon on June 3, and you may begin to wonder how you can fit more on your plate. The desire to reach great heights will be pronounced right now, but you’ll need to work on your organizational skills if you truly want to actualize these dreams. Luckily, a grounding energy will come into play once Venus enters Leo on June 5, helping you make sense of which steps come next. This planetary placement can also reconnect you with your confidence, especially when you refuse to settle for less than you’re worth.

Don’t bottle up your feelings when Saturn begins its retrograde journey June 17, coinciding with the Gemini New Moon. If you’re having trouble processing or communicating certain aspects of your psyche, a handwritten letter to yourself or a loved one may allow you to find clarity. Spirituality will also play a major role in your ability to maintain optimism throughout this planetary backspin, so remember to engage with your philosophical side even when summer fun reaches its peak. You’ll begin to feel more extroverted once the Sun enters your sign on June 21, and your popularity is sure to climb too.


Distractions will find you easily as the Sun continues its journey through Gemini, dearest lion, and you’ll want to keep a healthy handle on your screen time. These vibes could be particularly dangerous for your productivity, especially when reaching for your phone between tasks. Try to do something fun and outgoing during the Sagittarius Full Moon on June 3, which can help shake you free from your social media feeds and the temptation to doom-scroll. Creative inspiration may also find you during this astrological event, and your works of art will carry a unique brand of drama.

Harmony will follow you once Venus enters your sign June 5, and you’ll be searching for new ways to curate your image. The planet of attraction will be on your side, so don’t be surprised if you notice a few lingering eyes. Use this energy to explore different aesthetic choices as the stars nudge you to change up your wardrobe or finally try the latest hairstyle you’ve been contemplating. Expect your social tree to grow once Mercury enters the signs of the twins June 11, and be sure to follow through on any new connections you make.

Don’t be afraid to initiate conversations during the Gemini New Moon on June 17, which will ask you to branch outside of yourself. This may also be a good opportunity to research special interest or activist groups in your neighborhood, which can nourish your spirit while helping you find lifelong friends. You’ll feel a shift when the Sun enters Cancer on June 21, kicking off your summer with a quiet and contemplative vibe. This solar placement will ask you to reexamine your relationship to privacy, and you may find yourself pulling back from or removing displays of your personal life from the internet.


You’ll have the power to expand beyond boundaries and obstacles that once restricted you, dearest Virgo, thanks to a cosmic alliance between Jupiter and the north node on June 1. Don’t be afraid to push the envelope on and around this day, giving yourself permission to expel disbelief or self-doubt in order to reach great heights. Sweetness will continue to surround you during the Sagittarius Full Moon on June 3, and emotional fulfillment will be easily attained when you nurture your soul by connecting with family and leaning into your spirituality.

You may find yourself concealing a crush or romantic secret once Venus enters Leo on June 5, ushering the planet of love into the sector of your chart that governs untold truths. While this planetary placement can help you come to terms with what’s truly in your heart, fear around love could also come into play, especially if you’ve been running from certain elements of the past. Luckily, you’ll have a chance to organize your psyche once Mercury enters Gemini on June 11, allowing you to set boundaries with yourself and others in the name of clarity and mental health.

You’ll splash into summer and have a whole lot of fun once the Sun enters Cancer on June 21, bringing a surge of energy to your social sphere. This solar placement could have you taking on the responsibility of organizing gatherings with your nearest and dearest, so be sure to start planning your seasonal parties right away. Your social consciousness will also elevate during this time, and contributing to a nonprofit or volunteering your time will score some major karma points while lifting your spirits. Examine your relationship with the news once Mercury enters the sign of the crab June 26, finding a healthy balance between staying informed and preserving your mental health.


Don’t let your benevolence get the better of you this month, dearest Libra, as the Gemini Sun activates your house of philosophy and spirituality. While these vibes can help you feel more supported and at peace, there’s a risk your compassionate nature might cause you to feel taken advantage of down the line. Remember to hold firm in your boundaries, and try not to fall for any sob stories that come with a cost to you. Though kindness will be a theme you need to be mindful of, that doesn’t mean you have to overextend yourself for someone who might not return the favor.

The rumor mill will be busy during the Sagittarius Full Moon on June 3, though you should avoid getting involved with any conversations that have a negative spin. Luckily, the vibe should feel lighter and more supportive once Venus enters Leo on June 5, reminding you that you’re not alone in this world, and that we all must work together to create positive experiences. This planetary placement is also great for reconnecting with old contacts, so be sure to nurture your social network throughout the coming weeks.

Synchronicities and coincidences may hold deeper meaning once Mercury enters Gemini on June 11, so be sure to keep your eyes peeled for what could be messages from beyond. The Gemini New Moon on June 17 will act as a particularly auspicious day for you, asking you to commit to specific goals between now and the next six months. You’ll sense a shift as the Sun enters Cancer on June 21, putting you in the mood to nurture professional success. Important conversations can help you get ahead once Mercury enters the sign of the crab June 26, so don’t be afraid to pull your boss aside to discuss potential growth and opportunities for you.


Opportunities for prosperity could manifest early in the month, dear Scorpio, as the Sagittarius Full Moon illuminates your house of finance on June 3. However, the urge to spend will also be pronounced, but try to holster your credit cards when it comes to unnecessarily extravagant purchases. Meanwhile, Venus makes her debut in Leo and the sector of your chart that governs professional ambitions on June 5, sharpening your focus when it comes to climbing career ladders. This planetary placement could also stir some movement in your love life, and a successful suitor may be on the horizon.

Consider renegotiating pacts you’ve made with yourself during the Gemini New Moon on June 17, which takes place in your house of transformation. This lunar event is all about reshaping commitments, especially if you’ve matured away from dreams that no longer seem feasible. Luckily, Saturn begins its retrograde journey on this very same day, helping you step away from misguided paths without bruising your ego or sense of self. However, the key to thriving in this cosmic climate is to replace old ambitions with new ones. Remember that it’s okay for priorities to shift, especially when logic steps in to show you a better way forward.

You may succumb to a case of the warm and fuzzies once Cancer season emerges June 21, opening your heart while putting you in the mood for connection. Social intimacy will seem more natural in the coming weeks, especially once Mercury enters the sign of the crab June 26. Use this energy to share more of yourself with the people you love, providing additional insight into your personal interests and unique talents. If you have a crafty side or love to bake, showcase these gifts by spoiling your family and peers with handmade tokens of your affection.


Your eye for detail will be strong right now, dear archer, as Mercury glides through the sector of your chart that governs perfectionism, routine, and productivity. These vibes will ask you to edit your work, and the standards you set for others may rise as well. Though you’ll be juggling a lot, try to connect with simpler forms of life when Jupiter cozies up to the north node on June 1, lending your focus toward any plants, animals, or insects you cross paths with. Aligning with Earth’s vast ecosystem can act as a form of meditation, calming your mind while allowing you to see the path ahead more clearly.

A sparkle will hang in the air during the Sagittarius Full Moon on June 3, and you may find yourself increasingly at the center of attention as the hours unfurl. This lunar event will give you permission to temporarily pull back from your to-do lists in order to satisfy a desire for exploration, sweetness, and fun. Good vibes will continue to flow when Venus enters Leo on June 5, revitalizing your sense of optimism when you move with an open heart and embrace the spiritual practices that provide a sense of peace.

The tone will shift June 21 when the Sun enters Cancer, nudging you to go deeper within. If the last few weeks left you with a busy schedule, this cosmic climate will provide you with a chance to mellow out and release stress. At this point, you may begin to feel as though you’ve done all you can, and the chips must lie where they fall, but boxing yourself in to these sentiments will only create obstacles and a sense of restriction. While it’s true you’ll begin to see the consequences of both good and bad behaviors right now, each setback carries an opportunity to improve and rise up.


Your natural wit and multitasking skills will be pronounced this month, dearest Capricorn, as the Gemini Sun brings support to the sector of your chart that governs efficiency. These cunning vibes will give you an edge when dealing with work, colleagues, and friends, allowing you to breeze from task to task on a cloud of sparkling intellect. You’ll be in a unique position to bring others together, so don’t be afraid to assume the role of leader within your professional and personal spheres. However, you may want to lie low during the Sagittarius Full Moon on June 3, which will encourage you to shine the spotlight within as you socially recharge.

While healthy partnerships are always based on mutual respect, these themes will become accentuated once Venus enters Leo on June 5. Use this energy to reinforce your nearest and dearest with plenty of compliments and genuine acts of affection, as doing so will lead to deeper bonds. However, you may start to pull away from people who don’t hold you in high esteem or offer the same consideration as you do for them. Fortunately, Mercury’s entrance into Gemini on June 11 can help you solve problems in your relationships as long as you’re willing to point them out in a rational and diplomatic way.

You may begin to slow down once Saturn, your planetary ruler, enters its retrograde journey through Pisces on June 17. If ever there were a time to give yourself a break, it would be throughout this astrological era. Luckily, a harmonizing energy will find you when the Sun enters Cancer on June 21, nudging you to take things easy as summer kicks off. A romantic ambience will also follow you in the coming weeks, and a desire to nurture the ones you love will have a tender effect on your personality.


It could be your dazzling smile, sharp wit, or natural allure that conjures it, but you’re not crazy for thinking more people have been flirting with you recently! As Gemini season illuminates your solar fifth house, the stars will conspire to boost your confidence, which will radiate beyond your internal mind. You won’t have to fret over social situations or feeling charismatic, dearest water bearer; the universe will bless you with some extra sparkle as you approach each situation with an abundance of dignity and thoughtfulness. Don’t be afraid to speak up or make waves, and be sure to ask questions if at any point you become confused or unsure where you stand.

You’ll feel a shift when Venus enters Leo on June 5, raising your popularity even further. This planetary placement will be particularly helpful when pursuing matters of the heart, so don’t be shy when it comes to getting your flirt on. Just be sure to reconnect with your basic responsibilities when Saturn enters its retrograde motion on June 17, especially if you’ve succumbed to the dizzying effects of romance or dating. This cosmic rewind will also remind you that it’s okay to back away slowly if you invested in someone or something that’s not turning out the way you’d hoped.

The caretaker who lives within will find plenty to do once Cancer season emerges June 21, putting you in the mood to elevate others. However, the lines that separate trying to help versus trying to fix someone else could easily blur, and you’ll want to avoid overstepping boundaries. Do yourself a favor, and seek to get organized with your own affairs once Mercury enters the sign of the crab June 26, and you’ll have little time left over to infringe on someone else’s life.


Gemini season will allow you to cut through difficult emotional or mental states, darling Pisces, as the universe arms you with the tools to healthily process feelings. However, any little fishies with a history of acting out while upset may be required to analyze these behaviors, especially if they’re instinctive. Take into consideration how your upbringing may continue to impact your response to resistance, conflicts, or challenges, acknowledging if you’re carrying on unhealthy behaviors you were exposed to as a youth. Professional therapy can be particularly helpful right now, though a mature friend may also offer the support you need.

Consider adding a piece or two to your wardrobe once Venus enters Leo on June 5, which will ask you to tidy up and take pride in your appearance. These vibes are also great for mending hems and lifting stains, so be sure to engage with any clothes that need some extra love. Where actual matters of the heart are concerned, you’ll need a partner who is supportive but also driven to create their own success so that you may celebrate and inspire each other. If you’re currently paired up with someone who lacks motivation or drive, you could encounter some friction.

You’ll feel a shift when Cancer season emerges June 21, signaling the start of summer and a creative renaissance for you. This solar placement is perfect for evolving beyond what other people expect of you, prioritizing authenticity above all else. You’ll begin to show more of yourself to colleagues or peers you’ve kept at arm’s length, especially when Mercury enters the sign of the crab June 26. Your conversations will become more intimate throughout the coming weeks, especially where budding friendships and romances are concerned, though you should continue to guard your deepest secrets for the time being.

Renée Watt is a Pacific Northwest-based professional psychic, astrologer, and witch. Her mystical insights have been featured in Vogue, Cosmopolitan, and InStyle. She hosts the weekly podcast The Glitter Cast, which features celebrity ghost stories and interviews with leading professionals in her field.

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